Hillock Anodizing, Inc. has been providing the finest precision metal finishing to industry since 1969.
Our experienced production engineering, quality and management staff are well aware of the stringent quality and tolerance requirements your parts must adhere to.
We are proud to be one of the select metal finishers to have achieved the prestigious NADCAP Accreditation (National Aerospace and Defense Contractors Accreditation) and have earned process approvals from numerous Aerospace, Defense, Medical and major commercial and industrial manufacturers.
Hillock Anodizing is a leader in the industry with offering coating services that are engineered to resist coating breakdown during alkaline disinfectant washes and steam autoclaves.
- 3rd generation high alkaline resistant anodize service developed by Hillock Anodizing. The most resistant yet!
- Exceeds Automotive High Alkaline Testing requirements by 30x
- Exceeds MIL-SPEC anodizing resistance to pH of 13.5 by 80x
- Improved abrasion resistance over MIL-SPEC anodic coatings
- Excellent surface for printing with epoxy inks.
- Compatible with Embedded Graphics
- Validated process
- Cost effective upgrade to MIL SPEC anodic coatings produced in sulfuric acid anodize.
- provides parts with exceptional resistance to alkaline cleaners and maximum adhesion of printed graphics (silk screened, pad printed, etc).
- Customers prefer our Steriscreen coating services for use on surgical cases due to its competitive pricing and outstanding performance.
- Validated process
- Proven, Reliable, Validated - premium anodic coating used by numerous OEM’s
- Designed to withstand the harshest chemical attacks and steam autoclaves.
- Capable of withstanding 100 high pH washes and autoclave cycles with no coating degradation
- Original proprietary coating introduced by Hillock Anodizing.
- This legacy coating offers superior high pH resistance than standard anodic coatings.
- The coating is often specified in conjunction with Hillock Anodizing's proprietary embedded graphic process.